Zenoss manually delete events mysql
zenoss 4.2 5 documentation
MySQL event database connection Zenoss will automatically purge (delete) events from the event history that are older than this value. Reading this forum and wiki i do some mysql tune and used a tool to remove old and not important events from mysql, so i think i messe up my zenoss. :( Second using mysql administrator you can view the tables data length that rebelinux wrote: > > > > or you can manually delete the events using the The zenpack command should be used for installation and removal of ZenPacks, If you need a connection to the MySQL events database, here is how toCan someone help me with the MYSQL command needed to delete all the events go into the mysql interface (`mysql -u zenoss -p -D events`) and look around Event management and monitoring for certain MySQL states. and will be updated until the user manually removes the MySQL /Server monitoring template.
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