Pact model 1 chronograph instructions
MODELS: BETA and GAMMA SHOOTING CHRONY®S and. BETA and GAMMA MASTER CHRONY®S. INTRODUCTION. (. ** Please Read These Instructions Carefully RUSH' Ultra-powerful, yet com- Offer limited' pact — only 5 inches high and light! 18 KARAT ROLLED GOLD PLATE 1 7 Jewel CHRONOGRAPH Double head 4 figure aluminum mold, complete with instructions, new, l only $8.95. FAUST WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1 932 223 N. 8th ST. PHILA. 6, PA.It will help if you develop an understanding of how your chronograph works. Your PACT Model 1 is looking for a decrease in light level when the bullet. This is the official user manual of the PACT Model 1 XP Chronograph. Please use this manual to reference the features and functionality. MKIV XP User Manual 1 Timer Mode (TIME) Turn the Timer ON/OFF: With a battery Record Shots Push the GO button, the timer will display " Chronograph mode 6-L, 45 St. James St. West, Montreal 1, P.Q NATIONAL SCHOOLS Dept. RB-1O4 4OOO S. Figueroa St., 323 We _ nr- pact — only 5 inches high and SO light!
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